Thursday, November 16, 2006

PS3 Launch Line-Up

A local Kotaku writer reports about lines for the PS3 at a local Atlanta Best Buy. According to the post, pretty much everyone there is planning to resell their new console on eBay. I love the kid who is going to sell his "to help pay for college" -- you know, they have jobs in book stores for that, dude.

At the very least, this console launch stuff is ridiculous, and at the worst, downright anger-inducing. It's just like those ticket scalpers who buy concert tickets in bulk and then resell them at higher prices to the fans who just want to go see the show at a reasonable price. It crushes my spirit, and it makes me mad. Simple as that. Isn't there a better way to do this?

I like the reader who comments that Sony should just sell the consoles directly on eBay. I'll do one better: fuck eBay. And fuck Best Buy, Toys R Us, EB and all the other asshole retailers, for that matter. Just sell the damn thing on The fulfillment costs can't be that much more than shipping the damn thing worldwide on boats and trucks. But what do I know? Of course, you'd have greedy bastards lining up online, too.

Don't buy a new console for a marked-up price on eBay. Just don't!

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