Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blogger Woes...Blogger Blows?

I set up this site on our Jilly server over a year ago with no problems, and have been enjoying the futuristic fun of blogging -- not only a great, "low impact" creative outletm, but also nice way to keep track of fun things on the internets. In general, Blogger has been easy to use and, when I had a few hiccups with archiving, their customer service was excellent. However, I've noticed a definite trend in the last few months: 404 errors when I try to pull up the Blogger home page, bizarre login errors, lots of postus interruptus and poor Blogger server response in general. WTF? Well, according to Wired, this has been going on for a while (interesting that linked article was written right around the time I started this blog). Wired also does a feature this month about the proliferation of splogs, or spam blogs. God, I hate those fucking things. I wonder if that's what's ruining it for the rest of us?

Gee, I hope this post works.

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