Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Move Over, Space Marine

So, I beat God of War last night.

I bought Doom 3 and GOW on the same day. Doom 3 is certainly awesome, but once I started enjoying the adventures of Kratos, I could not stop. Make no mistake: the game is as good as everyone says it is. Although I can certainly come up with a few complaints. For instance, Kratos must often employ a "stick-n-move" attack technique to stay alive (especially against the big-ass monsters), which is not a particularly suitable fighting style for a bloodthirsty badass. Also: though Kratos develops a healthy roster of moves and combos throughout the game, he rarely gets to use them to their full effect. Almost every enemy in the game, especially the more powerful ones, tend to be vulnerable to only one or two of Kratos' attacks. Once you learn to exploit these weaknesses, you tend to use the same attacks over and over again, which does not really encourage the player to experiment with other moves or combos. I read a review online (I think on G4?) which stated that the bad guys in GOW tend to feel "more like obstacles than like enemies" -- a good way to put it.

This is not to say that the game isn't fun. The zombie legionnaires, and other assorted riff-raff, are really fun to fight because they allow you to truly mix it up. The boss battles are fun, too, and I normally HATE boss battles (ask me later). However, the final fight of the game feels artificially drawn out -- and again, Kratos has to run around like a nincompoop instead of really giving his opponent the what-for. I assume that a lot of these things will be tweaked for the inevitable sequel.

Overall, the presentation is top-notch, especially for a PS2 game. The storyline is better than those you'd find in a Vin Diesel flick, and the music is truly excellent. Beating the game opens up a lot of goodies, some of which I hope to check out this weekend. In any case, buy the game if you haven't. You won't be sorry!

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