Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Halo Clix

If you're like me, you're a geek. And if you're a geek, you might like comic books. And also board games. And maybe collectible minature games? Oh God, does that get too geeky for you? It does for me...sort of. See, I spent some time obsessed with HeroClix, the collectible miniatures game from Wizkids that lets you play as your favorite superheroes. Well, now...behold:

That's right, Wizkids is going to launch Halo ActionClix some time later this year. (I spotted a little blurb on Joystiq and then went right to the source.) So maybe you're a geek, and you like video games. And collectible miniatures. Then, boy howdy, are you in luck, Mr. Geek!

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