Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I <3 Murder Simulation

I'm probably totally outside scooping this, but anyway...you may remember Jack Thompson's "Modest Video Game Proposal" -- a ham-fisted attempt at satire in which the notorious anti-game lawyer described (basically) the most violent video game ever. He then went on to challenge game developers to make the game, and promised to give some money to charity if any accepted the challenge. Bah blah blah...if you need a refresher, read it here.

Anyway, earlier this year, someone made the game...

Ha! Ready? It's great fun! Features include "seven unique weapons, a Realistic Urine Engine and an ending that is almost 15 seconds long!" (From the official site.)

The game is surprisingly polished, and actually reminds me quite a bit of Dad 'n Me, a hytserically violent River City-esque romp from the guys who made Alien Hominid.

And check it: if you don't want to bother with the game, watch a playthrough on Google Video! What a world.

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