Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Slimes Have Appeared!

OK, so like I've never been into RPGs or anything. But I just finished playing the Dragon Quest VIII demo disc and, boy, was I impressed! Great! I've often said that "Dragon Warrior" (for the NES) was the last proper RPG I can remember playing, and that was a looong time ago. So it seems appropriate that Dragon Quest VIII (as the series has always been called in Japan) would be the game that would make me sit up and take notice. The reviews have been calling it "old school RPG gaming at its finest" and so on and so on. Whatever it is, it sure is fun!

The demo took almost two hours to complete, which was quite a meaty demo, as far as I'm concerned. The monsters are hilarious.

Note that the commercial version of Dragon Quest VIII also contains a playable demo of Final Fantasy XII, if you care about that sort of thing.

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