I never much cared for the White Stripes. I mean, I can appreciate their undeniable cool factor, but I heard White Blood Cells and thought it was just OK. Now, this is back around the time when the "garage rock revolution" was happening, and I'm a guy that likes the Mono Men and all that Estrus junk. So maybe I was just a little skeptical, all right?
(Yeah, but I bought that Strokes CD and I liked it. What can I say?)
So, like, a couple months ago I heard "Blue Orchid" on the the radio and I was like, "Damn, that sounds good." And then I bought the new Audioslave album. But I was in Full Moon Records the other day -- best Atlanta record store and you totally need to check them out -- and they had a copy of Get Behind Me Satan. Since every CD at Full Moon Records is 8 bucks, what did I have to lose?
Well, 'tis not the matter of what I was to lose, but what I was to gain.
Turns out, Get Behind Me Satan is brilliant. I was listening to it in bed the other night and I was thinking, "Is this what White Blood Cells was like? I don't think so!" White Blood Cells was scuzzy and a bit precious, as I recall. Get Behind Me Satan is that as well, but also offbeat and bizarre and sketchbooky and tight all at the same time. And it's got mojo -- you know, that thing Jim Morrison was always after.
Then I went online and read some reviews and it seems that a lot of White Stripes fans were disappointed with Get Behind Me Satan because it was weird, slow and/or just plain bad. Now, I definitely have a contrarian tendency when it comes to music, i.e., that which is deemed "brilliant" is often crapola in my book, and vice-versa. (See my copy of Spit, the Godfather of Smut.)
But waitaminnit, I played the album in the car on the way to work this morning (I didn't necessarily trust my previous nocturnal viewpoint) and it was still great listening, definitely. Blue Orchid, The Nurse, My Doorbell...no, this really is brilliant! I'm completely taken by surprise again. Get Behind Me Satan has a patchwork quality to it, like when you're standing at the bar and you can hear the jukebox...but also the band in the next room and the conversation beside you. Sometimes it sounds like a mish-mash of noise, but other times it all blends together perfectly. That's how I've described the Flaming Lips, and that's how I'd descrie Get Behind Me Satan.
Yeah, it really is cool!
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